• We offer FREE returns for store credit. Send us a DM or email with your order number and we will email you a return label ASAP.

    You have 30 days from the delivery date, to request a return. If we don't receive the returned items within 2 weeks, the refund will not be processed.

  • Yes! sometimes, some fabrics don’t stretch much so I am happy to customize. Provide me with your dog’s measurements before placing your order and I can make the proper adjustments. $8 fee per item.

  • no worries, changes to shipping address may be changed. It’s recommended that you send us a DM on insta and we’ll make the changes only if we have not yet shipped.

  • Yes, If you’re having problems purchasing outside the USA please send us an email or DM and we’ll make sure you can place your order.

  • yes, we sell wholesale with $200 minimum. Send us an email or DM on insta for more help. Wholesale=50% of retail.

  • updated 3/27/24

    yes you can! you can combine coupons that aren’t the same let’s say you have a code for FREE shipping, you can use it with another code that gives you a percentage off your order.

    The system will not allow you to combine multiple percent off coupons.

  • There is a probability that we may be able to restock that size for you. (and we do this a lot for customers) This is limited to only the newest items. We like to keep spare fabric for size customizations.

    You can tell whether an item is new or not by checking out our IG, we only post our newest items.